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2025-26 Open Enrollment Information

2025-26 Open Enrollment Information

Our Preschool Open Enrollment for the 2025-26 School Year will begin on Monday, May 5th!! 


Please stay tuned for online enrollment link and QR Code. You can click the "Enroll Now" button and can begin your application, but will not be able to fully enroll and submit your application until May 5th. 

This year open enrollment will happen in 2 week enrollment "windows". Once the enrollment window is CLOSED - we will process all of the FULLY COMPLETED applications and place them into classes. Once the first round is completed by our enrollment specialists, we will open our second 2 week enrollment window. 

Enroll NOW!!

The Following are requirements to qualify for our State Preschool Program: 

  • Your child must turn 3 on or before December 1, 2025 
  • 4 year old children do get priority 
  • Your family must live within the Yuba County Boundaries 
  • Your family must be income eligible based on the California Department of Education Income Ceilings
Completing the online enrollment DOES NOT guarantee your child's spot in the preschool program. The online enrollment process will happen in several steps and communication will happen via email.
As a reminder, we are NOT a First Come First Served program, we enroll based on the CA State priority & eligibility requirements. Open enrollment will happen in enrollment "windows" once the window is closed, we will process the applications that are fully complete before beginning a second enrollment window. 
Documents required to upload for completed enrollment are:
  1. Birth Certificates for ALL children in the home
  2. Proof of address: pge, water etc.
  3. Shot record and physical for preschool child.
  4. Proof of income for ALL Adults in the home to cover 30 days
Preschool Locations:

2025-26 Preschool Locations